Botched consultation on vital services

by hilarygander on 23 September, 2014

Kingston Council has been considering the location of the vital drug and alcohol treatment services, so they can be located on one site with services for residents with anxiety and mild depression.

The new Tory administration signed an urgency procedural order (SN32) to try and push through a move to Hollyfield House during the summer holidays.

Last week at the Residents, Health and Care Services Committee, they had to admit that the consultation had been botched.  Before they were even presented with a petition against the move of  1000 signatures (collected in less than 2 weeks), they changed their own recommendation!

“Thankfully, Councillor Julie Pickering, Chair of the committee and Lead member for Health and Social Care had a change of heart and moved an amendment for a new analysis of all sites and a full and extensive consultation with the community, relevant Neighbourhood Chairs, Ward Members and Opposition Spokes.

It seems the issue is no longer urgent and the Tories’ actions have not only been shown to be trying to by-pass local residents but also will now cause further delays in providing this vital service to vulnerable people.

The Conservative manifesto, produced for the local elections held in May this year, promised residents ‘they would be consulted rigorously and widely when the Council proposes changes in policy’.  This is just one example of where they have failed and we’re not even six months into the 4-year term yet!”

said Councillor Liz Green, Leader of the Opposition

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